The Groomer Blog

Sharing our tips, tricks and stories. 

How Much Do Pet Groomers Make? Sep 01, 2023

The world of pet care is a thriving industry, and within it, the role of a pet groomer holds a significant place. Not only do pet groomers play a crucial role in keeping our furry companions...

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11 Essential Tools Needed as a Pet Groomer Sep 01, 2023

Pet grooming is not only about making our furry companions look great and well-maintained; it's also about ensuring they’re happy and healthy! As a pet groomer, having the right tools is...

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How much can you make as a pet groomer? Jul 29, 2023

If you have a passion for animals, becoming a pet groomer could be the perfect career for you. As pet owners increasingly prioritize their furry friends' well-being, the demand for professional...

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Can you do dog grooming course online? Jul 15, 2023

Learning to Primp Your Pup Online: Yes, You Can!

Hello, all you dog lovers and future groomers out there! We see that tail wagging, and we know why you're here. You've got a burning question on...

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